Articles by James Parsons

The Difference of Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing
All marketing, in general, can be divided into one of two categories. These categories are Inbound and Outb…
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Published May 20, 2023 0 Comments
Is Buying Traffic Against the Google AdWords Terms?
Some people will tell you that buying traffic is perfectly safe, even when you’re using AdWords. Som…
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Published May 19, 2023 2 Comments
Can You Use HTML5 Ads and Content on Google Ads?
A few years ago, back when there was a big debate over various animation protocols on mobile phones, Steve Jo…
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Published May 18, 2023 1 Comment
20 Ways to Promote Max Bounty Affiliate Links and Offers
MaxBounty is one of the largest affiliate networks out there, with thousands of offers you can run to make mo…
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Published May 15, 2023 1 Comment
Facebook Ads vs AdWords – Which is Better for Remarketing?
Remarketing, also called Retargeting, is a form of audience creation used for PPC advertising. As the pref…
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Published May 10, 2023 0 Comments
20 Ways to Get More Sales on Your Udemy Course
Udemy is an online academy and a great source of relatively cheap learning. There are a ton of great courses o…
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Published May 09, 2023 1 Comment
6 Ways to Maximize Your Conversion Rate Like a Pro
Conversion rate is super important, but it’s a bit of a disingenuous number. You can have a high conve…
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Published May 07, 2023 0 Comments
Is It Possible to Earn More From CPM Ads With Paid Traffic?
There are a lot of ways you can pay for traffic and use it to earn some money, depending on what you’re do…
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Published May 06, 2023 1 Comment
What is Considered a High Ranking on
Alexa is one of the oldest forms of non-Google rankings online with any sort of comprehensive scope. It&rsq…
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Published May 04, 2023 0 Comments
List of 50+ App Directories to Submit Your Mobile App To
Developing an app takes a lot of time, energy, and money. When it comes time to launch it, you need to treat it w…
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Published May 03, 2023 0 Comments