EasyVisitors.com Review – The Good and The Bad

Updated by
on Dec 11th, 2022
Written by ContentPowered.com
Posted in Resources

EasyVisitors is one of many sites on the web you can use to convert money into website visitors. As with all such sites, presentation means exactly nothing. The slickest, coolest site in the world could sell garbage traffic and it would still be garbage. Meanwhile, a site that looks like it was modeled poorly after a Geocities school project could provide you with the best traffic you’ve ever seen. With that in mind, let’s take a look at EasyVisitors.

Initial Impressions


My initial impression with EasyVisitors is that they at least know what they’re doing. The site is slick, though the color choices are a little odd. Who really puts pink next to green these days?

The site also loads instantaneously, proving that they care at least somewhat about SEO and web optimizations. It doesn’t leave you with the long lingering loads that herald a shady traffic reseller based in Russia or some other part of Eastern Europe.

They also have very prominent restrictions on the websites they allow into their network. Your site can’t have an autoplay video or sound file of any sort, which I love. As far as I’m concerned, sites with autoplay videos should be shut down until they fix their grievous mistake.

Likewise, they don’t allow sites with any pop-up windows, either on load or exit. Now, I’m not sure if this counts exit intent scripts, but I imagine not. Those are often used by legitimate companies for legitimate purposes. It’s only the pop-unders and “but wait, there’s more” style user-blocking pop-ups that they block. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong about this, just leave a comment.

They disallow sites that are typically unsavory or black hat, as well. Any site that tries to install software or adware is banned, as are sites that promote any sort of illegal activity, like online pharmacies or the like.

Finally, they ban adult sites. That said, they do have a link on their homepage to Timely Traffic, which specifically has a section for adult-oriented traffic. This includes pornographic material, as well as casino traffic.

Pricing and Packages

Traffic Pricing

On their getting started page, EasyVisitors lists their benefits. They have over 20 million daily visitors throughout their site network, and they have precise interest targeting. They have country targeting, but they don’t get more geographically refined than that. They claim their traffic is 100% human, which I doubt, precisely because it’s hard to filter out every single bot. However, I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt here and say most of their traffic is real. They say they’re safe for Google AdSense, and they offer live reporting so you have real time data to analyze.

They accept payments through Paypal and the major credit cards, which is another point in their favor. Credit card disputes can be costly and dangerous to a business, so it’s a step of faith to offer them.

For interest and country targeting, they have a lot of options. USA targeting in particular is even split up by region, as well as some European countries vs Europe as a whole. Interest targeting uses a fairly standard list of a hundred or so options, with enough variation that you can find something for your site easily enough.

What about pricing? The lowest priced package starts at 5,000 hits for $5, or $1 per thousand hits. That’s not a bad rate, given normal PPC, but it’s not so low as to make me worry about bad traffic.

They sell traffic in escalating packages all the way up to a million hits for $680, which is the most cost-effective package. I wouldn’t recommend it for everyone, given the expense. They claim in their FAQ (http://easyvisitors.com/faqs/) that even the largest orders will be completed within 60 days, though smaller orders are often much faster.

Note that their traffic is not directly or automatically flagged for your own analytics. In order to track the traffic you receive, you will need to track it yourself through a specific flagged URL with utm parameters, or you will nee to funnel them to a specific landing page that isn’t used as the landing page for any other links or campaigns.

Reviewing their purchase agreement, there’s not a lot to be worried about. They have the standard disclaimers about making sure you’re sending traffic to the right URL, and that once the campaign begins, it’s on. They even offer a refund if you don’t get your full order within 60 days. They enforce their website restrictions as well, including notes about modifying window size or causing autoplay sounds. Installing a pop-up, likewise, will result in breaking the agreement and ends the campaign.

Social Reputation

So what about the reputation EasyVisitors has garnered since it began operations? Well, you can’t always take online reviews at face value. Disappointed and angry users will always post more often than satisfied users, and those reviews tend to stay alive as people discuss the pros and cons of buying traffic in general.

So, there are a few reviews claiming that EasyVisitors never delivers, or that the traffic they deliver is low quality, in contradiction to what the site itself claims. You might notice that most such reviews, if you go looking for them, are published on sites designed for black hat techniques or are just poor quality sites themselves.

There are some reports that tracking user statistics is inaccurate, and that you get more visitors than your analytics might report. This makes sense; after all, disabling JavaScript in your browser disables Google Analytics tracking, so a user visiting with disabled scripts might be a perfectly valid visitor but wouldn’t be tracked.

Overall, I would say there are fewer red flags for EasyVisitors than there are for many traffic sources. Plus, at $5 for their cheapest package, you can just try it out and see how it performs. Worst case scenario, you lose the price of a lunch at Subway and you know to avoid that particular site in the future. Best case, you find a great new source of traffic.

Join the Discussion

  1. Javier Gil


    Thank you, good review



    I ordered serval packages from the company, because they were so cheap, but when I didn’t get even one percent of the hits they promised, I’d had enough. I gave them weeks to comply, but all I got was robot answers to questions I wasn’t even asking? I didn’t expect them to give me 99 millions sales, just 99 million hits and when I questioned them about refund and how many hits I’m supposed to get, they called me asshole. Don’t use this company. Here’s email they sent me. we can help you Apr 9, 2019, 5:08 AM to me Listen all your orders were bulk traffic, you spent money 6 months ago and 1 order 4 months ago there are no refunds on bulk traffic orders asshole!!!

  3. admn suprt


    Fake traffic, all bots and still wont even deliver what u pay for.. no refunds.. STAY AWAY!!!

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