Our Review of Auto Mass Traffic Generation Software

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on Sep 3rd, 2022
Written by ContentPowered.com
Posted in Resources

Auto Mass Traffic is one of the best of the automatic traffic applications available online. That said, it’s not without its drawbacks. For one thing, while it may make money for the people using it, the major value comes from reselling the product.

See, if you’re going to visit the Auto Mass Traffic website, you’re not going to find any way to buy the product right away. Instead, you’ll need to find a referral link from someone else selling the product as an affiliate. You’ll likely discover a price of around $37, labeled as an 88% discount, when in reality it’s hard to find it priced anywhere higher.

So what are the selling points of AMT?

  • It gets you traffic. This can’t really be disputed; you can try it yourself and see the traffic it brings in. Now, as for the quality of that traffic, well, you’d be better off with a more organic solution unless you’re using pay per view ads.
  • It’s easy. One of the main ways AMT sells itself is by listing off a dozen different techniques, including SEO, Facebook, Twitter, Link Building, Blogging and Ad Swaps, and then compares all of that with using a single piece of software. Of course the software is going to be much faster and easier.
  • It’s cheap. Of course it’s cheap, it doesn’t need to be expensive. If it was more expensive, the developers wouldn’t be able to convert as many users, and so they wouldn’t be able to honor their refund policy as easily.
  • It’s legal. Well, sure, technically it’s legal. Anything black hat short of using malware to infect computers and direct them at your affiliates is legal. There are no laws governing SEO, only regulations put forth by Google. You’re free to follow or ignore them at your own discretion, you just have to be prepared to deal with the consequences.

We’ve written a lot on this site about how, more so than volume, the quality of the traffic you bring in matters. AMT illustrates this brilliantly. You can, for a meager fee, use a program to hook you into a vast network of thousands of sites that refer traffic your way through an exchange. It’s simple to set up, it’s easy to use, and it’s relatively risk free to you. It also brings in a lot of untargeted traffic from people who are in it to use AMT, not in it to shop.

AMT makes a number of bold claims about how the “old school” methods – i.e. white hat techniques – don’t work. One glance around the successful businesses online will tell you they do work, but for the sake of argument, let’s go through each of their claims.

  • Google AdWords can bring in a lot of traffic, but that traffic is incredibly expensive. AMT’s creator claims he was spending as much as $30 per click. Anyone experienced with AdWords is going to call this out as incredibly poor use of the platform. It’s hard to find keywords that cost that much, and deliberately targeting them is going to result in a negative ROI unless your site is really something special.
  • AMT throws a lot of buzzwords for SEO to illustrate how difficult it is, while simultaneously reducing the entire concept to “just having your website accessible to search engines.” Of course part of that is meta information, links and following Google’s rules, but it’s much more sensible than AMT makes it out to be.
  • Article marketing is shot down by AMT by mentioning posting a single article on multiple directories, and then claims the sheer volume of content makes it completely worthless. Well, sure, if you’re posting duplicate content on low-quality directories, of course you’re not going to see any returns. If you’re posting quality content in exclusive locations, you’ll see much better returns.
  • AMT’s view on backlinks exclusively works through link exchanges and artificial link building, the stuff of novice black hats the world over. Write good content and have a good product, people will link to you naturally.
  • AMT also splits blogging off from article marketing, claiming that it takes a decade to make a blog worth reading. Well, you’re reading this, and we haven’t been around for a decade.
  • Press releases are shot down as a quick burst of traffic for little more than a day, but then again, who uses press releases today anyway?
  • AMT’s refutation of YouTube is kind of nonsense to be honest. Just because people visit the site to entertain themselves doesn’t mean they can’t then go on to convert.
  • Social networking, well, AMT mentions MySpace as an awesome place to hang out. That should tell you everything you need to know. The same goes for social bookmarking.

All in all, the creators of AMT are appealing to people who haven’t looked into organic traffic generation since 2004 and had a bad experience back then when they tried for three days. To those people who don’t know any better, the program is probably a godsend. To anyone with the skills and the resources necessary to put basic SEO into practice, it’s a $37 lesson in the value of individual visitors.

You don’t have to take it from me. Check out this review of the program on the Warrior forum. First of all, the $37 payment gets you a training program with a lot of basic information, with very little in actionable resources. It does have plenty of upsells, though!

Second, the quality of the training program itself is questionable. Not only is the information commonly found online, it’s also somewhat out of date and recorded by someone who may as well be a complete amateur at video encoding.

Third, the system itself isn’t really software to generate traffic. It’s software to generate niche keywords, and recommendations for non-Google ad platforms you can use in conjunction with those keywords to run ads through a network different from Google’s display network. If you’re into that kind of thing – or you’re banned from Google’s network – this might be the route you want to take.

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