20 Examples of High Earning Affiliate Marketing Products

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on May 5th, 2022
Written by ContentPowered.com
Posted in Resources

All affiliate niches have the potential to be highly lucrative, based on volume and conversion rates. The reality, though, is that some niches are easier than others when it comes to making bank. If your goal is to make $1,000 a week, it’s a lot easier to do that selling $100 products than it is selling $5 products.

You can feel free to skip ahead to the actual products list, or you can stick around for some more general advice. See, with affiliate marketing, profits are variable. Sometimes affiliate offers will grow less valuable over time, typically because more and more people are marketing them. I’m probably actually helping to drive the price on these products down just by recommending them. I don’t think my influence alone is going to have a huge impact, but you never know.

One place you can start is with human nature. There are a few thing that people throughout the ages have always had on their minds, and that they always will barring some massive scientific advancement that completely eliminates disease or something equally incredible.

Health. The health industry is very broad and full of very lucrative niches. As long as people exist, people will be looking to solve embarrassing problems with their health. They’ll be looking to lose weight, quit smoking, and solve any specific medical issues from diabetes to vasculitis. You can even drill down within these niches, like with weight loss, bringing you to paleo diets and Atkins and gluten-free products and all the rest.

Example Health Product

Finances. By and large, people don’t know how to handle, make, or spend money. If they did, huge portions of the economy would disappear overnight. The wealth industry has niches all over the place as well. You have the making money side, with MLM offers like Plexus or Herbalife, with forex and trading, with gambling. You have money management, with various apps and services. You even have internet marketing in here; there are a lot of IM tools that have affiliate programs, ranging from web hosting to article spinning.

Love. The romance industry is equally as broad as the others. The most common affiliates here are online dating sites, but they’re also consumed by spammers. Then you have advice, even all the way to pick up artist stuff. You have accessories like candles and romantic items, and you even have adult toys and games.

These industries are all great places to start. They have endless appeal and a lot of times jaded customers are unenthused with existing options and are willing to try something new, even if it’s the same old thing marketed in a different way.

The key here is to start small, in a narrow niche you can dominate to get a presence. Once you have an established presence and cash flow, you can expand into related niches and on up until you have a significant presence in the industry as a whole.

If you don’t want to go with the evergreen industries, you can go with hobbies. There are evergreen hobbies like model building, trains, and various collectibles. There are also more time-sensitive hobbies, like trends with collectibles and drones, and so forth.

You can also just opt to go with the most expensive things you can find. It doesn’t take that much more effort to build a site selling a jet than it does selling books, and you might have less competition. One sale and you’re set for weeks, months, even years depending on the insane scale of the items you’re selling. Plus, the people buying ultra-expensive products tend to not be the kind of people with money issues, so you don’t have to worry about economic downturns hurting your business.

Another option is to go for sales that pay month after month in a recurring commission structure. There are a lot of different sites that offer recurring commissions, and in fact we’ve written about it before. These often don’t have high prices up front, but when you can earn that price four, five, six, ten times over and over, it becomes a lot more lucrative.

The list below is going to be comprised mainly of two things; affiliate offers you can get through various networks with high values, and high value products on Amazon you can see for a sweet chunk of change.

1. Xarelto – $600

Law Firm Affiliate

This one would fall into the health category, though you’re not actually selling a health product. What you’re promoting is awareness of legal action about the drug Xarelto. The affiliate program is through a law firm that pays for leads, and it’s so valuable because you need to find people who took the drug and who are having side effects, many of which are quite dangerous.

This is one of many such legal action affiliate offers throughout the years. It’s not an evergreen niche you can promote for years on end, but you can leverage your experience and success by doing the same thing for the next drug-related lawsuit that comes around. There’s always something.

2. iForex – $450

People who want to make money from foreign exchanges and other forms of investments are more likely than not to lose what they put in. The people who truly profit from investments are the investment bankers and managers themselves. They want to have more suckers in their fold, so they’re perfectly happy to pay a sizable lump sum to get new customers. This is one of many similar forex signup affiliate offers, though it does require more than just a simple signup; your referral also needs to make a minimum deposit and make at least two trades to qualify.

3. Free Money System – $425

The Free Money System is a web portal and itself an affiliate commission-making system for the owner of the Free Money System. It refers people to one of several well-known and legitimate binary options trading sites, each of which pay commissions. You have the owner of the Free Money System making commissions from these sites, and he in turn pays you to refer people into the Free Money System. If you’re not a fan of potentially shady or scammy affiliate offers, you might want to avoid this one. Read more on it here.

4. Sigma Option – $410

Sigma Option is one of many portals to binary options trading, which itself is a hazardous but potentially lucrative form of financial trading. I’m not posting all of the comparable offers, because the entire list would be full of them if I did. They cover a broad spectrum of informational portals and software assistance, including some bots that you feed money into and get ideally more money out of. Of course, as an affiliate, you’re not using them yourself, you’re just promoting them. One thing to note is that there are often several different geographic targets for these offers, so if you can specifically target, say, Italy, you can get offers a lot of other people can’t.

Seriously, there are hundreds of binary options and forex offers aggregated on OfferVault. You can take your pick among affiliate networks, specific offers, and software options.

5. IVC Filter – $310

This is another of those health issue lawsuit offers, to show you how they vary from case to case. This one requires that the lead you generate answers in specific ways to a set of questions, which will tend to disqualify most of your leads. For each successful lead, though, you get a sizable commission, again from a law firm helping represent people who have to deal with the medical issues they’re covering.

At this point I’m going to transition to the Amazon products, for two reasons. First, it gets me out of the financial sector, which has been covered well enough. Second, there are simply so many more options available on Amazon that it’s a great starting place.

6. Air Conditioners – $150 to $13,000

Air Conditioners on Amazon

In case you’re curious about why the massive price range, it’s because any appliance like this is going to have a large number of different users. On Amazon, you’ll find air conditioners that are window units designed for a single room, at the low end. You’ll also find whole-house installations, and even commercial units designed to cool entire office buildings. Most of these are sold by companies other than Amazon, through Amazon, but that’s the beauty of it; you don’t need to care at all. Amazon handles everything relating to the commission and sale.

7. Lawn Mowers – $150 to $23,500

When you think lawn mower, many things come to mind. You might think of those vintage hand-powered mowers used by hipsters, or push mowers – gas and electric – found in garages around the world. You might also think small tractors designed for larger lawns, or even larger standing self-propelled mowers used commercially for mass landscaping. You could even go all the way up to the high end and get massive tractors designed for mowing down entire fields or acres of land in minutes. Pick your niche and have a go.

8. Boats – $120 to $15,000

17k Product

With boats, you have the low end of inflatable devices used for short off-shore or river fishing, and you can get really high up there. On Amazon, the current most expensive “boat” is a floating dock for $15K, but that’s barely even scratching the surface. There’s an anchor – the anchor alone – for $17K, and props for $10K easy. If you want to sell even more expensive boats, including yachts, you can. You just can’t do it through Amazon. Of course, with boats – and really with any of these offers – you can sell a whole wide range of accessories for virtually any price range.

9. Solar Panels – $150 to $23,000

Solar panels, and other forms of green energy, are a big business that will be booming for the foreseeable future. At the low end you have individual panels suitable for powering a small appliance with low usage. At the high end you have kits for massive tiered installations or entire roof systems, usable on the power grid and elsewhere. You also have accessories, replacement parts, and whole lot more.

10. Shredders – $30 to $5,000

Home office paper shredders, used for non-crucial documents, are on the cheap end and probably aren’t super good affiliate fodder unless you can make a really good case for why any singular shredder is better than any other. It’s the high end, with commercial shredders that include additional features, where the real money can be made. Heck, the top-end model on Amazon right now has a built-in hard drive crusher. What’s not to love?

11. Security Equipment – $15 to $50,000

Security System

Security equipment is a niche unto itself, and can be used for basically any purpose. You have the low end items like tiny fixed camera systems with limited features, or window bars, and even stickers to dissuade theft. At the high end, you have industrial security mounts, insanely detailed and functional cameras, and enterprise-scale packs of high quality cameras for multi-zone use.

12. Jewelry – $1 to $125,000

Jewelry runs the gamut in terms of quality and price. At the low end you have various forms of re-sold and novelty jewelry that doesn’t cost much and is usually made out of plastic or glass. At the high end, you have diamond-studded gold and other incredibly expensive pieces. Diamond Wish is the currently highest priced company selling on Amazon, and their top product has a base price of $312,000, though it’s pretty much never not on some kind of discount. You can also go for specific lines, like how Pandora beads are a big seller these past few years.

13. Furniture – $200 to $22,000

I use armoires as an example for the link above, but there are all sorts of different types of furniture you can sell. The low end is the kind of stuff you’d find at Ikea or Walmart, the particle board, do-it-yourself assembly box kits that wouldn’t look out of place in a college dorm room. At the high end, you have high quality European-made furniture with walnut, oak, and other high quality woods, along with highly secure furniture like jewelry cases. If you go off-Amazon you can even make a sizable profit selling furniture with provenance, furniture with a history, and antiques.

14. Cameras – $50 to $45,000

Cameras can come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. You have the basic point and shoot cameras anyone wants, that can be heavily sold to tourists and amateurs looking for easy local photo ops. You have mid-range cameras for low-tier professionals and people taking their hobbies seriously. You have high tier cameras with a million features designed for the most advanced photographers, with interchangeable lenses and all kinds of accessories. You even have accessories ranging from tripods and lens caps to $145,000 camera cranes.

15. Smartphones – $40 to $2,500

2k Smartphone

Smartphones have dropped significantly in price these days, but there’s still a huge market for them. At the low end you have out of date, old-generation and low-featured smartphones. Working up from there, you have the off-brand phones made for niche markets, like large-print phones for the elderly. Up from that you have the last generation, and then you have this generation. At the top end, you have rare or limited run editions of devices, like a rare Iron Man Galaxy Edge, or Developer unlocked phones.

16. Computers – $100 to $60,000

With personal computers, you have an equally broad range as everything else on the list. If you want to go into cheap components, you can get even below the $100 level and into $5 items. On the other hand, selling pre-built machines can start around $100 for a functional but outdated machine. A machine capable of running most modern games, and which will last for several years, will run around $500. High end gaming setups and top of the line personal computers will be closer to $3,000. If you go higher, you have enterprise developer platforms, high end graphics and video editing PCs, and servers for corporate use.

17. Musical Instruments – $15 to $41,000

Musical instruments can vary from for-kids noisemakers and little trinket thumb harps all the way up to vintage, rare items. Chances are you’ll want to pick a specific type of instrument – strings, brass, knick-knacks, oddities – and go from there. Guitars are a big hit, and you can sell accessories, books, and lessons all day. If you want the real high priced singular items, that’s where oddities come in. The current highest priced item on Amazon in this category is a civil war era violin.

18. Televisions – $100 to $74,000

Televisions are in every home in America and most homes around the world. They’re a staple, and everyone wants to keep up with theirs. They sell like hotcakes, particularly around the deals close to the holidays. If you start now, you can have an established site up and ready for the Black Friday season this year. Low end TVs are small and maybe out of date. Most high-demand TVs will range from $500 to $2,000, depending on the specs. The highest priced TVs these days are insane, like the price-topper Toshiba 84-inch 4K ultra resolution HDTV with a 240hz refresh rate. If you don’t know what that means, suffice it to say that it’s a beast. It’s like owning a Jumbotron.

19. Watches – $15 to $122,000

Watches are largely the purview of shady affiliate sites and spammers. I can’t tell you how many spam emails I get every month pushing watch affiliate links, even just on Amazon. The cheap end of watches has basic mall kiosk level stuff, as you might expect. The high end gets you things with crazy embedded gemstones, gold plating, or entirely gold construction. You can also branch off into smart watches if you want to mix tech and wearable items.

20. Shoes – $20 to $10,000

Everyone wears shoes if they can, and shoes can cover a ton of niches. You have athletic shoes, tennis shoes, fashion shoes, boots, work shoes, and more. The low end tends to be children’s shoes and out of date, mass produced or knock-off items. At the high end you have fashion shoes, rare shoes, and specialty items like the Nike back to the future self-lacing shoes.

As you can see, Amazon has something for everyone, and that means it has something for you. Just pick an item, pick a price range, and dig down into a niche.

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